Available courses

 Risk Modeling and Assessment

Risk Modeling and Assessment

This is a course dealing with risk factors affecting organizational decision making and with systems that support decision making in organizations. The goal is to understand and to concentrate on demonstrating how powerful techniques and methods (simulation and optimization) can be used correctly within a spreadsheet-based environment to improve the decision-making process under risk.

Risk Modeling is a data-driven process that provides organizations with insight. It may report on historical information or predictions about future events. The end goal of risk modeling is to add value through analyses that turn data into knowledge. Knowledge in organizations acts as a mitigant of risk. This course introduces a range of methods and modern technologies that are used in risk management. We start with the basic concepts of simulation and we use the cases and the end-of-chapter problems to practice the techniques covered within the chapter. The cases include a range of industries from healthcare to finance.

Analysis & Design Modern Info Sys

Analysis & Design Modern Info Sys

This course prepares the students to analyze business information systems in the digital age and to build models and logical designs that can be later implemented. Emphasis in the beginning of this course is on understanding the business processes and business requirements and building conceptual models that help in analysis of business requirements. The second part of this course prepares the students to design complex systems and to build designs and architectures that can be later implemented. The course emphasizes business process modeling, business patterns, object orientation, design patterns and component-based design approaches. Topics include modern system life cycles, project management, BRODE (buy, rent, outsource, develop, extend) strategies in system building, business system modeling, requirements analysis, conceptual design, architectures, physical design, and design for the modern mobile systems with security and integration considerations. Several real life case studies will be discussed.

Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management

Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management

Risk management is a strategic means to manage organizations and to lead them to achieve goals. Dealing with uncertainty is part of the rules of competition. Better risk management is to have better capabilities and capacity to build in the organizations sustainable and adaptive competitive advantages. This course is oriented to undertand from stategic risk the chain of risks that an holistic view of risk has to analayze.

Development of business operations

Development of business operations

Improvement of business operations and managing supply chain is fundamental in the correct development of the organizations. This course review the methods and techniques to help organizations to enhance operations management.

Technology for SMEs data analytics

Technology for SMEs data analytics

Nowadays, technology is possible to use in the development of capabilities to compete and to improve productivity, efficiency and support decision making processes. The cost of the technology is not a barrier to achieve the goal of good of data analytics use, the barrier is in the creation of mindsets in the organization management to adopt that technology and use it appropriately. This course and the program is for creating the mindset and to use wonderful tools that will help the organization to advance and adapt strategies to win.

Strategic Intelligence in Organizations

Strategic Intelligence in Organizations

Strategic Intelligence is the fusion of Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. It is the way to generate value for stakeholders from internal and external knowledge to compete and to achieve organizations' goals. This course introduces to the principles and ways to improve satrategic intellince in organizations from data to actions.

Principles and Practice in Data Analytics and AI

Principles and Practice in Data Analytics and AI

Preparation for adopting in appropriate way new technologies, dealing with risk of new technologies and potentializing the use of new knowledge is fundamental to move ahead in the creation of adaptive sustainable competitive advantages and generation of corporate's intelligence for the benefit of organization's stakeholders.

Understanding Enterprise Risk Management

Understanding Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management view at top management is crucial to have as a means not only for management control systems design but also to design strategies for obtaining more benefits of new technologies, data analytics, AI and digitalization.

AI and Data Analytics in Intelligence Development

AI and Data Analytics in Intelligence Development

Digital and data driven enterprises rely on knowledge that needs to be managed and processed through a variety of intelligent tools. This course will cover the analytics knowledge management system design in modern enterprises and discuss how AI means are supporting organizations. Topics will include: principles of business analytics, data mining, data warehousing, text mining, knowledge management, from decision support and expert systems to LLM  in artificial intelligence, neural networks, learning systems, and intelligent agents in a business context. Examples and case studies will be used to illustrate the key applications in a digital and AI oriented economy. 

Principles and Applications of Machine Learning

Principles and Applications of Machine Learning

AI is a universe that is in the opening stage for understanding, in this course there is an introduction to understand basic tools in R and Python to create solutions and applications of AI.

Statistical and Machine Learning

Statistical and Machine Learning

Understanding of the basic models for prediction, classification, creation of groups, link analysis, and multiple other problems require the understanding of the pillars of statistical and machine learning models.

Data Visualization

Data Visualization

Data visualization goes beyond creation of charts because data visualization is about exploration, description, models understanding and evaluation, workflows of data analytics process, creation of data products and use of capabilities of languages and tools.



Optimization is part of prescriptive analytics and at the same time a way to understand how algorithms are improving the search for answers and convergence.

Decisions and Data Analytics

Decisions and Data Analytics

Using data analytics for supporting the decision making process requires not only the modeling process but also the creation of understanding and guides for actions.

Marketing and Strategy Analytics

Marketing and Strategy Analytics

The potential of the use of data analytics is enormous, many questions and problems from marketing research to strategy  can be solved.

Principles of Analytics I and II

Principles of Analytics I and II

These courses are the basis for understanding from EDA to basic models of statistical and machine learning

Innovation Risk

Innovation Risk

Changes in organizations because of innovation are bringing new risks that require understanding and strategies of mitigation.

Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics 1 and 2

Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics 1 and 2

Actuarial mathematics for analysis of risk in individual and collective cases, development of pricing methods and understanding of modeling frequency and severity of risk events.

Return Analytics

Return Analytics

This course is going beyond the traditional interest theory to the analysis of returns in multiple types of portfolios and processes.

Strategic Risk Analysis

Strategic Risk Analysis

Strategic risk is the study of factors affecting the competitive positions of organizations.

Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management

This is the course for developing a holistic view of risk in the organization

Risk Monitoring

Risk Monitoring

This is the course to study the analysis and design principles for  a risk management system.

Data Analytics In insurance

Data Analytics In insurance

The opportunities to use data analytics techniques in the insurance industry are infinite. This course is prepared to guide professionals to use in a better way data in insurance industry.

Principles of Insurtech

Principles of Insurtech

Insurtech is a trend in insurance companies to use technology as support and control of risk processes in insurance organizations

Actuarial Mathematics Introduction

Actuarial Mathematics Introduction

This is the course to introduce students in the modeling process for dealing with uncertainty and risk in insurance related processes

Principles of biostatistics

Principles of biostatistics

Using data is a purpose in nowadays organizations and that is possible if problems to solve are with robust statistics concepts. 

Operation Management in Healthcare

Operation Management in Healthcare

Operations management in healthcare using technology and development of services for internal and external users.

Principles of Data Analytics in Healthcare

Principles of Data Analytics in Healthcare

Health organizations are very complex organizations where coexist the scientific worlds, administration and services to the community. Data analytics is a powerful approach to solve multiple problems in healthcare administration.

Technology and Innovation in Banking

Technology and Innovation in Banking

Technology is taking space closer and closer of the daily operation in banking. Members of the staff of banks need to point creativity to manage for the organization's benefit the approaches coming from blockchain, use of cloud services, development of AI support means to lead decisions in strategy, and managing the banking portfolios in investment, promotion, markets, products etc.

Risk Analytics in Banking

Risk Analytics in Banking

Risk analytics is an area in development to improve the capabilities in organizations to generate solutions for new product development, control of exposure and control of losses.

Principles of Data Analytics in Banking

Principles of Data Analytics in Banking

This course brings you to the world of using data analytics for operations, risk management, pricing, marketing and strategy in banking organizations. The most important aspect in this program and courses is the integration of perspectives in banking business using techniques and tools of data analytics.


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