The courses are about the use of data to support organizations to deal with uncertainty. The courses are applicable to big and SME organizations where principles, techniques and methods are combined with a good level of talent and risk culture at the interior of organizations. This program prepares members of the organization to think holistically in risk management as a strategic component of the organizations before, during and after possible positive and negative events that  affect an organization's performance.

Innovation Risk

Innovation Risk

Changes in oganizations becuase of innovation are bringing new risks that require understanding and strategies of mitigation.

Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics 1

Introduction to Actuarial Mathematics 1

Actuarial mathematics for anlysis of risk in individual and collective cases, desevelopment of pricing methods and understanding of modeling frequency and severity of risk events.

Return Analytics

Return Analytics

This course is goign beyond the traditional interest theory to the analysis of returns in multiple types of portfolios and processes.

Strategic Risk Analysis

Strategic Risk Analysis

Strategic risk is the study of factors affecting the competitive positions of organizations.

Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management

This is the course for developing a holistic view of risk in the organization

Risk Monitoring

Risk Monitoring

This is the coourse to study the analysis and design principles for  a risk management system.